What is Vegan Toastmasters?
Years ago (decades actually), I heard of Toastmasters and all I knew was that it is a forum to practice public speaking. I was curious and decided to check out a meeting. The meeting took place in an office building nearby, and it was just a general Toastmasters...
Traveling while Vegan
I live in Los Angeles which you may have heard me refer to as a vegan food Mecca. The city has plenty of issues, but a lack of good food isn’t one of them. There are tons of amazing fresh food grocery stores, never ending farmer’s markets (one of my favorite pastimes)...
I Love Sugar But It Doesn’t Love Me
When I was growing up, I had a serious sweet tooth. And if it wasn’t chocolate, it wasn’t dessert. As an adult, I still love sweets. But if it’s a cooked dessert, I now prefer a fruity dessert (like an apple crumble… mmmm…. Apple crumble). I still love chocolate,...
The Low Carb Myth
“I need to make sure I’m eating low-carb.” I hear this a lot. It’s a big topic. And understandably so! We’ve been indoctrinated to eat lean animal protein with a salad or vegetables for “optimal health” and weight loss. Up until recently, this is what I believed too. ...
Where Do Vegans Get Their Protein?
Where do vegans get their protein? This is one of the most commonly asked questions about a plant-based diet. I get it! It wasn’t that long ago that my ideal meal was greens with a piece of salmon on top. Or maybe veggies, rice and a meat protein on my plate. Waking...
How do I replace eggs when baking?
Welcome back to Part two of the Egg Substitute Blog In Part One we shared different plant-based egg substitutes that one might eat. The very top of the post explains why eggs aren’t the best option. A couple of examples of substitutes are Just Egg, or tofu that...
“I’m pretty sure I’d never be able to give up eggs”
Eggs were the last animal-based product that I gave up when I went vegan. First of all, I believed that I needed the protein. Second, I thought they were healthy. Third, I didn’t see the harm in eating eggs. After all, a chicken lays them and now you pick it up and...
To Bean or Not to Bean
To bean or not to bean. That is the question. Let’s discuss. We all have foods that we like or dislike. Foods that agree with us or don’t. And foods that for some reason, perhaps an allergy, we just cannot eat. Some people in our What’s Plant-Based Cooking Good...
Q and A: Chopping Veggies
For those of you in our Facebook group, you saw the question I asked when you asked to join the group. The question is: What are some of your questions or concerns about eating plant-based? Many of you answered it which was very helpful. One thing I’ve learned is that...
Have you ever brushed a cow?
I know I’m veering off of food blogging territory here, but this is important, and, in my opinion, really interesting. We all have our reasons for eating more plant-based. For some of us it’s purely health, others shift their eating for the environment, and others...