
Well, this is exciting. I know that Europe is more forward thinking in many ways. But we don’t often associate Paris with being the epitome of healthy food. Delicious yes, but not necessarily healthy.

Yet, the 2024 Paris Olympics is setting a new standard. The Olympics start today July 26th and this is the first time plant-based foods are being offered abundantly at a major international event. Every article I read cites different figures.  (I’ve read 30% plant-based at the athlete’s village, 60% plant-based overall, and also 2x plant-based whatever that means.)

Whatever the figures are, the lowdown is that the Paris Olympics aims to be more sustainable than ever by offering a significant increase in plant-based fare. They are also emphasizing local and organic foods.

It is encouraging that major organizations like the Olympics are not only taking note of what needs to be done, but also taking action.

Here are some articles that discuss making the Paris Olympics more plant-forward.

All of this plant-based discussion also draws attention to the numerous vegan athletes (as well as spectators, volunteers, media and employees).

I suspect this endeavor will be a smashing success. Well, maybe I’m blowing fairy dust to the Olympics so that the plant-based endeavor is a smashing success. And I also hope that when it is a success, that the Los Angeles Olympics takes note ahead of the 2028 Olympics. May it all be so.

For the rest of us not in Paris being treated to climate-friendly, health-friendly compassion-friendly and likely delicious fare, (and being in person for the games), we can enjoy plant-based fare right in our own homes. Not any old plant-based fare, but home-cooked deliciousness!

Starting August 7th we are launching a new plant-based cooking class! The class will not require that you turn on your oven. Over 7 sessions via Zoom, we will cook at least 12 dishes ranging from hearty (not boring) salads, breakfasts, healthy and easy pasta dishes, a complete dinner, desserts and a bonus cheese class! (Yes, plant-based cheese which I suspect will also be served at the Olympics.) Plus, one session will be a coaching and Q and A call where we get your plant-based nutrition questions answered.

Click the green for more information and to join our class.

All of the sessions will be recorded in case you have to miss, and in case you are reading this after class has concluded, you will still be able to take the class.

Have fun cheering on your favorite team (or Olympian) to go for their gold.  And let’s watch Paris make history setting a new gold standard with plant-based fare on offer.

Featured Image: Cauliflower Alfredo from Fortune.com article, photographer Henry Sanchez