Where Compassion for Animals, Our Health and the Planet Intersect
In my personal and spiritual development, I’ve done some soul searching about compassion. As a kid I had a lot of it for others.
Somewhere along the way, I forgot to have it for myself. I’m re-learning. Definitely a work in progress.
One tangible way I now express compassion is through the food I eat and the lifestyle I lead. When I first adopted a vegan lifestyle, I was making compassionate choices for the animals, and as it turns out, for our planet. With a little bit of education and tweaks to some of the food I eat, my food choices are now also compassionate for my body.
The animal, health and climate trifecta positively affects the mind, body and soul trifecta. I can sleep at night knowing that, to the best of my ability, animals weren’t harmed for my consumption. And now that I practice a whole food plant-based lifestyle, my body is fueled with love, care and all the nutrients it needs.
Here are some examples of how vegan and healthy plant-based lifestyles can be compassionate.
Consciously choosing not to eat animals is compassionate:
- No sacrificing animals on my behalf.
- Nor am I sacrificing taste as there are so many delicious plant-based options now. Plant-based food is readily found around the world.
- I’m certainly not sacrificing my health and there is endless proof and literature on the topic.
- My food habits don’t contribute to the environmental destruction caused by animal agriculture.
- Animal agriculture is not sustainable for the earth or her people. Choosing plant-based is sustainable.
Consciously choosing to cook plant-based is compassionate:
- It is compassionate to my wallet (cheaper than dining out).
- It is compassionate to my taste buds because I get to try so many different recipes.
- Learning to cook healthy vegan offers even more delicious options plus an introduction to new textures, flavors spices and more.
- Cooking has become fun and creative, which are important qualities to me.
- I get a bit of movement while cooking. (More than ordering in from a restaurant!)
- Cooking is the easiest way to eat healthy plant-based.
- And cooking (and eating!) can be meditative if I allow it to be.
Being compassionate is intrinsic to our nature. We are born that way and then life happens, and sometimes we forget. I spent a bunch of time in my life disconnected from that inherent compassionate part. I’m glad I’ve re-awakened to compassion and I’m delighted that it includes a plant-based lifestyle.
I often explore a vision of a future when everyone relates to their inherent compassion. Compassion for other people, compassion for the animals and the earth. We are deeply connected to one another and all other beings. It is worth pondering.
Now I have the great privilege of sharing cooking and eating plant-based with you and others. It’s a beautiful way of living, easier and more fun than I thought. It’s one of the most compassionate ways of expressing myself that I can think of.
If eating more plant-based has been on the backburner for a while and you’d like to get started, I’m here to help.